27 September, 2011


Sometimes it's like fiddling your hand
Inside a jar full of beads and dimes
To look for that extra button
You kept safe once upon a time
For that old shirt you feel like wearing;
Broad white stripes on the colour, lime

That doesn't match a sock or tie
And the missing button, makes you wonder why
You kept it hanging all these years
On a rusty hook, where you never look
Except for when your laundry's late
And it's time to leave for work in haste
You can't find the bleeding button
And you curse the poor useless waste

Only to leave it hanging, lonely
Every other day
When you find another to do with
And be on with your way

26 September, 2011

The sooner I get out, the better.

We make our own lives and we forge our own happiness from all kinds of shit. Misery is nobody's friend.

22 September, 2011

There is no love tonight.

Cold, heavy and sloppy.
When it rains, it pours and down here, I need a little more sun to dry out.

18 September, 2011

A little venting and a little prayer

Fireworks die in smoke
Unsteady wheels with irregular spokes
To push would be to provoke
A much precedented fall
Joy gives you withdrawals
An illness from potent poison
That leaves the mind stalled
And the heart appalled
A bucket of water is a bucket of blood
But on the floor, it's equivalent to mud
Slushy sticky sludge
Melted chocolate fudge
Speak must, The Mighty Judge
Banish sinners
The frequent winners
And give us the peace of calm
Although I mean no harm...